Alcohol management plans in Indigenous Australia

Alcohol Management Plans (AMPs) have become an important Australian government policy response to the harms caused by alcohol in Australian communities. Aboriginal and Torres Strait…

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Evaluation of a health education initiative for urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

The Lowitja institute awarded a Small Grant to the University of Queensland and the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) in 2013 to evaluate the…

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Exploring resilience and coping in relation to smoking within ‘at risk’ populations

This project investigated what psychological, social, political or environmental factors contribute to successful quitting or resilience against taking up smoking in populations where a high…

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Monitoring and evaluating Aboriginal tobacco control

Tobacco smoking caused an estimated 20% of national Indigenous deaths in 2003. Smoking is twice as common in Indigenous as non-Indigenous Australians. The project increased…

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Differential impact of Australian tobacco management policies for Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations

Differential impact of Australian tobacco management policies for Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations – Is research evidence informing Indigenous smoking policy? Previous research has shown that…

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Indigenous AOD workers wellbeing, stress and burnout

Indigenous Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) workers wellbeing, stress and burnout project This project was being undertaken at the National Centre for Education and Training…

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Stocktake and gap analysis of Indigenous drug prevention research

The Victorian Premier’s Drug Prevention Council identified drug use prevention as a priority issue for Victorian Aboriginal (Koori) health over the next five years. To…

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Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Tobacco Control

The Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Tobacco Control (CEITC) was established in September 2003 to address the high prevalence and incidence of tobacco smoking in…

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Art into Health: Puntu Palyarrikuwanpa [Aboriginal Men Becoming Well]

An illustrated colour booklet Art into Health: Puntu Palyarrikuwanpa [Aboriginal Men Becoming Well] was published by the Lowitja Institute in 2011 to accompany a collection…

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Identifying the core elements of the cultural determinants of health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Project aims  To review and define Australian and international understandings of the cultural determinants of health and wellbeing and to identify and review the current…

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Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land across Australia and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and future. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.
