Victorian Aboriginal Health Service – Young people’s health and wellbeing

This project supported the capacity development of an Indigenous Research Assistant through on-the-job learning about data entry, statistical analysis and report writing. This supported the completion of data analysis and presentation of the results of the VAHS Young People’s Project (which was undertaken in a number of rounds). The project formed part of the broader scope of work of the CRCAH Capacity Development Strategy.
The main outcomes of the project for the VAHS were:
- Increased capacity of an Indigenous Research Assistant to analyse data, write-up results and write reports.
- Dissemination and use of research results associated with a current study.
The 12 month project supported the employment of an Aboriginal person in transferring data from a questionnaire computer program into a statistical analysis program and generating statistics. This person worked alongside someone familiar with the current study. An individualised Professional Development Plan was developed, and skill development in areas identified in the plan were supported by one-on-one mentoring by experienced researchers.
Related resources:
- Luke, J., Stewart, P.,Thorpe, R. & Anderson, I. 2011, Victorian Aboriginal Health Service Young People’s Project: A Study of the Health and Wellbeing of Koori Youth in Melbourne, The Lowitja Institute, Melbourne.