Victorian Aboriginal Health Research Ethics Committee: Steps to Establishment

Victoria’s health, medical and wellbeing research sector is one of the state’s most significant and productive industries, yet we are one of the few states in the country that does not have a dedicated Aboriginal ethics committee. Informed by this and the recommendations of marra ngarrgoo, marra good: The Victorian Aboriginal Health, Medical and Wellbeing Research Accord, VACCHO aims to establish an Aboriginal Health Research Ethics Committee in Victoria.
This project aims to determine the scope of an Aboriginal Health Research Ethics Committee and thoughtfully plan how it will be established in a sustainable manner. Taking into consideration how the committee will meet the needs of community, what the composition of the committee will be, and how the committee will work with existing ethics committees in the state. By completing this work, we will enable Aboriginal research in Victoria to be conducted in a more-ethical manner, with greater Aboriginal governance in the process.