Planning, Implementation and Effectiveness (PIE) in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Policy Reform

The PIE project developed a framework to evaluate the engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in policy and program development for the Indigenous Health National Partnership Agreements (IHNPAs) and assessed the impacts of this engagement on policy, programs and the implementation of the agreements. The overall aim of the project was to develop indicators to support best practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health governance. The project addressed:
- the processes through which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members and organisations are involved in governance
- the impact of their engagement on decisions and relationships with others
- the aspects of engagement that are associated with:
- greater satisfaction with the process
- greater confidence in implementation
- improvements in access to health services (e.g. health assessments).
Related resources:
- M. Kelaher, H. Sabanovic, C. La Brooy, M. Lock, S. Uddin & L. Brown 2015, Planning, Implementation and Effectiveness in Indigenous Health Reform, The Lowitja Institute, Melbourne
- Policy brief