Health services utilisation and linkage project – Stage 1

Health services utilisation and linkage project – Stage 1
There is limited information about how to appropriately research the health needs of Aboriginal and Islander people living in urban and/or pen-urban locations, and there is a lack of agreement about the most appropriate and relevant methods for gaining this type of information from Aboriginal and Islander people. As a developmental stage of a broader research approach, the Stage 1 project will facilitate consultations and increased understanding of how to approach research into patterns of service utilisation (or non-utilisation) by Aboriginal and Islander people in urban and pen-urban locations in ways that are both effective and culturally safe; the result of Stage 1 will inform the development of a research proposal for Stage 2.
Key outputs of Stage 1 were a literature review into health care access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in urban areas, and related research issues, and further clarification of the work that would be required to develop a robust project.
Related resources:
- Scrimgeour, M. & Scrimgeour, D. 2008, Health Care Access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Living in Urban Areas, and Related Research Issues: A Review of the Literature, Discussion Paper Series 5, CRCAH, Darwin