Exploring resilience and coping in relation to smoking within ‘at risk’ populations

This project investigated what psychological, social, political or environmental factors contribute to successful quitting or resilience against taking up smoking in populations where a high percentage of individuals smoke. This was done through a literature review and interviews.
The literature review searched systematically for information on resilience, coping and smoking. The interviews explored and explained the barriers and facilitators to ‘never smoking’ and ’quitting’ in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people, mentally ill and young people. Long-term smokers were also be interviewed in these 3 ‘at risk’ populations to ascertain why they are resilient to public health messages regarding the adverse health effects of smoking tobacco products.
- Informed South Australian State-wide policy responses to smoking.
- Enabled better targeting of smoking programs and interventions to key population groups (Aboriginal groups, mentally ill and young people).
- Contributed to, and informed, the South Australian Department of Health’s response to the South Australian Strategic Plan (SASP) target.