Community-driven empowerment through mabu liyan – closing the data and knowledge gap

Project Summary:
This project builds on the Yawuru Wellbeing Project and aims to contribute toward narrowing the knowledge gap and data gap. Grounded in mabu liyan, Yawuru’s conception of wellbeing, this involves working with Yawuru women and men to co-produce and rank indicators to inform the weighting of a Yawuru Wellbeing Index. The project also aims to demonstrate how community control and involvement in nation building, art and sports can lead to improvements in wellbeing for Indigenous people living in the Kimberley. It will:
- co-design and implement culturally appropriate methodologies working with the various Indigenous community organisations to conceptualise and articulate their aspirations and priorities centred on their worldviews and philosophies, and
- address the knowledge gap on what constitutes data for empowerment including what form it takes and what data can be used to inform programs to improve connectedness, empowerment and wellbeing in the community.