Co-Designing a Birthing on Country model for First Peoples’ Health and Wellbeing in Naarm

Birthing on Country is an international movement to return the control of maternity services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities so that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies have the best start to life. Advancing an Aboriginal research agenda that centres Aboriginal self-determination and sovereignty, this research project aims to co-design a Birthing on Country model of care for implementation at an Aboriginal community controlled health organisation in urban Naarm – First Peoples’ Health and Wellbeing (FPHW) in Frankston.
This research will explore the gaps and need for the provision of a Birthing on Country service in the Bayside Peninsula region of Naarm, centre the expertise and wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women regarding birthing and women’s business, and co-design and implement a model of Birthing on Country for the benefit of the local community at FPHW in Frankston.