ABCD National Research Partnership into plain English

Translate key findings from the ABCD National Research Partnership into plain English
The aim of this project was to translate key findings from the Audit and Best Practice for Chronic Disease (ABCD) National Research Partnership into plain English resources on improving the quality primary health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The Partnership has brought together almost 60 stakeholder organisations – Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs), government managed health centres, research institutions, government health departments, key regional support organisations such as Aboriginal community controlled peak bodies and Medicare Locals – from across jurisdictions and all levels of the health system to support and guide research on priority primary health care systems issues.
The clear presentation of data and outcomes of research projects is important so that health services staff and members of health service boards and councils can use the information to make decisions about health in their communities. Outcomes of research are published in peer-reviewed journals. However, access to information for health service staff and board members and councils is improved if written in language that is easy to understand.
The ABCD National Research Partnership at the Menzies School of Health Research has produced a package of resources to support high quality primary health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. These accessible resources summarise key messages about the engagement, evidence and impact of this national research partnership; key research findings and messages for action; and a set of evidence briefs specifically developed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander practitioners and community health boards.
Key research findings are presented in the following publications:
- Partnering to Improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care: ABCD National Research Partnership Project
- Quality of Primary Health Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in Australia: Key Research Findings and Messages for Action from the ABCD National Research Partnership Project
Six evidence briefs have also been produced, which summarise research findings for specific audiences:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers/practitioners:
- Improving the quality of type 2 diabetes care for your community
- Improving the quality of primary health care for your community
- Diabetes and depression: Improving the quality of care for your community
Community health boards:
- Improving the quality of type 2 diabetes care for your community
- Improving the quality of primary health care for your community
- Diabetes and depression: improving the quality of care for your community
Related resources:
- Key findings and evidence briefs
- ABCD National Research Partnership – using participatory action research approaches to improve the quality of primary health care available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people