Lowitja Institute urges transformation of power and systems to Close the Gap for the next generation

MEDIA RELEASE: 17 March 2022
Lowitja Institute CEO Adjunct Professor Janine Mohamed said the Close the Gap Campaign Report 2022 – Transforming Power: Voices for Generational Change is a blueprint for that transformation.
“The report is a beautiful and powerful call to action, showcasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led brilliance at work, in all sorts of settings, paving the way ahead as we have done as peoples over millennia,” Adjunct Professor Mohamed said.
“It puts a spotlight on our community-led organisations and services that work tirelessly to provide equitable health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. Now it’s time for governments and mainstream services to step up, and step back, if we are to truly close the gap in health outcomes for our peoples.”
Launched today on Close the Gap Day, this year’s report highlights how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are leading the way in transforming health and community services, policies and programs, with foundations of culture and Country at the centre.
Produced by the Lowitja Institute, the report showcases the strength of Aboriginal-led decision-making despite unprecedented health challenges from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
It focuses on themes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led transformation, gender justice and equity, and allyship – highlighting the need for trust and accountability in partnerships to enable transformative change.
Among its key recommendations are calls for action on gender and climate justice, a national housing framework, and full implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
“We need transformation of minds to have transformation of systems,” said June Oscar AO, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, and Co-Chair for the Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee.
“It’s time to recognise a need for large-scale systemic reform and a paradigm shift in policy design and delivery if we want to improve outcomes in health and wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,” said Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee Co-Chair and NAATSIHWP CEO, Karl Briscoe.
For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact Jo Cackett on communications@lowitja.org.au / 0474 727 506
See the full report: www.lowitja.org.au/CTGReport2022
Download the full PDF media release
Find out more about the Close the Gap Campaign at antar.org.au/close-gap