Embarking on a health research project? Apply now for a Lowitja Institute Major Research Grant

Lowitja Institute is excited to announce that applications are now open for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Major Research Grants 2024.
This grant opportunity specifically supports innovative and responsive community research led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations to improve the health and wellbeing of our mobs.
The new grant round follows on from successfully funding a diverse range of projects in our 2022-25 Major Research Grants round, the rollout of which is ongoing.
‘Lowitja Institute’s Major Research Grants Program enables us to support and engage with a broad cross-section of the Aboriginal community controlled sector who are doing amazing work in the research space,’ Lowitja Institute Interim CEO Paul Stewart said.
‘We look forward to receiving applications from Aboriginal community controlled organisations to address their research priorities and aims. We encourage organisations with project ideas relevant to at least one of our research agenda themes to apply now for a Major Research Grant.’

Lowitja Institute’s commissioning process is driven by Research Agenda themes developed through a collective process of bringing together a range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders grounded in current and priority needs. Our Research Agenda 2024–26 aims to achieve positive health and wellbeing benefits for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across four key themes:
- Self-determination
- Sovereignty
- Cultural determinants
- Racism
More information and how to apply for a Major Research Grant
Read about how a 2022 Major Research Grant recipient, ATSICHS Brisbane, has been able to progress its research project for the benefit of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
Lowitja Institute Major Research Grant Round 2024: Q&A
On Friday 7 June 2024, our Research & Knowledge Translation team will host an online Q&A session regarding the application process. This will be led by Associate Professor Michelle Kennedy.