Michelle Kennedy
Strategic Research Advisor
Michelle is a Wiradjuri woman with connections to Mudgee NSW and has been raised on Worimi Country. As well as advising on Lowitja Institute’s research and knowledge translation, Michelle is an Associate Professor at the University of Newcastle. Michelle brings 16 years’ experience working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across community development, social work and health research as well as Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing to the health research practice. Michelle is leading national research in the areas of tobacco control, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research ethics and Indigenous methodologies.
Michelle holds a PhD in Aboriginal Health, a Master in Social Science (Social Work) and a Bachelor of Arts (hons) from the University of Newcastle. Michelle is Assistant Dean Indigenous Strategy and Leadership for the College of Health Medicine and Wellbeing at the University of Newcastle, and the Vice President Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander for the Public Health Association.