Deb Edwards
Senior Project Officer – Lowitja O'Donoghue Foundation
Deb is a proud Yankunytjatjara woman living and working on Kaurna Land in Adelaide, South Australia. Deb has had a 37-year career in the entertainment/arts industry, working in senior public relations and communications roles for organisations including EMI Music Australia, Sony Music Australia, Garry Van Egmond Enterprises and Kerry O’Brien Publicity.
For 13 years, she was the owner/director of Deb Edwards Publicity which specialised in public relations within the performing arts sector for First Nations performers, companies and venues. Deb was appointed as the first First Nations board director of Music SA in 2020. She has also recently worked with Reconciliation South and Anglicare South Australia, on campaigns and projects supporting First Nations people in South Australia.
Deb is passionate about her role in establishing the Lowitja O’Donoghue Foundation which will acknowledge, recognise and preserve the legacy of Dr. O’Donoghue’s lifetime of work and create opportunities for advancement and change.