Suzanne Andrews
Suzanne Andrews is Chief Executive of Gurriny Yealamucka Health Service. Suzanne is a proud Aboriginal woman from the Jaru, Bunuba people of Western Australia’s North Kimberley region, who grew up in Broome and moved in her early teens to Yarrabah, on Gunganghi traditional lands, where she now lives and works.
With extensive experience in health and the community control sector, Suzanne advocates for social change amongst her people and community. She has served on numerous organisations as a director and is currently a member of Yarrabah Leaders Forum (YLF) and a director on the Northern Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Health Alliance (NATSIHA), Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN), National Aboriginal Community Control Health Organisation (NACCHO) and is deputy chair for Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC).