Effect of early life conditions and experiences on child development and learning
The effect of early life conditions and experiences on child development and learning: A whole population study
This project was a continuation of a broader collaborative project undertaking childhood data linkage activities in the Northern Territory. The project investigated the social, health and family factors that influence school readiness and education outcomes (literacy and numeracy) through the linkage of health and education data sets for the entire Northern Territory (NT) population. The data sets included were perinatal health, school enrolment, National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) and Australia Early Development Index.
The project provided knowledge on the utility of administrative data to undertake in population studies on child development in the NT and highlighted that both developmental vulnerability and education outcomes are strongly associated with a range of perinatal and social conditions such as socioeconomic disadvantage, gestational age, sex of child, birth order, maternal age and education, remote location and Indigenous status.